悬疑电影《猫眼神探之红莲》杨盛业 胡文珊【侦探天生离奇猫眼 民国悬案扑朔迷离】免费线上看

片名:猫眼神探之红莲 简介:民國時期,南城富戶趙春華老太太50歲大壽當夜離奇死亡,貓眼神探前來破案,所有證據指向趙春華老太太的姪女,案情即將結案.. Introduction: During the period of the Republic of China, the old lady Zhao Chunhua, a wealthy household in Nancheng, died mysteriously on the night of her 50th birthday. The cat's eyes came to solve the case. All the evidence pointed to the concubine of the old lady Zhao Chunhua. The case was about to be closed. 主演: 杨盛业 / 胡文珊 / 魏劲松 / 朱丽群 / 钱大伟 导演: 罗玉璇 编剧: 罗玉璇 / 储瑞 类型: 悬疑 制片国家/地区: 中国大陆 语言: 汉语普通话 上映日期: 2021-04-19(中国大陆) 片长: 95分钟
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