EngSub青春偶像劇《竹馬鋼琴師》金雯昕 方逸倫【28集全】免費線上看

片名:竹马钢琴师 Childhood Sweethearts Pianist 简介:讲述了钢琴师这一特殊职业上的爱情故事。 With great luck, Yang Chu Mo, who is an outgoing and optimistic girl, was admitted into the key art university, Xingchen Music College. At the same time, she met Mu Liu Nian there, who is a famous person in the school. She recognized that he is the little boy next door who she had been pursuing in childhood. After that, she was so happy that she played a piece of piano music to remind him. However, Mu Liu Nian felt it was too terrible to listen to. Yang Chu Mo’s piano skills were too bad. But Mu Liu Nian was so picky about music. It’s so miserable for them to get along with each other. In order to get the prize money of 10,000 yuan in the piano competition of the school, Yang Chu Mo, who ranked at the bottom of the class, wanted to be the partner of Mu Liu Nian, the piano genius. Unexpectedly, she was rejected. In order to win the heart of her childhood sweetheart back, Yang Chu Mo chose to express her feeling by playing the piano. 主演: 金雯昕 / 方逸伦 / 文苡帆 / 李向哲 / 徐鹤尼 Alen Fang / Jin Wenxin / Wen Yifan / Li Mengying / Ye Yuhan 导演: 黄浩晋 编剧: 张甜 / 木子喵喵 类型: 青春 爱情 制片国家/地区: 中国大陆 语言: 汉语普通话 首播: 2019-10-17(中国大陆)
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